Assessment judgements recorded in the markbook are used to generate percentage scores for each pupil in each subject.  Percentage scores for any calendar month can be viewed in Progress section. For historic months, this will always show the percentage scores as they were at the end of the month.  For the current month it will show the latest percentage score calculated. 

There are two different types of markbook score that can be viewed on the Progress Reports: 'Overall Percentage' or 'Percentage of Assessed'.

Overall Percentage: This is based on all objectives in the ability/year group selected. It shows how well a pupil is progressing through those objectives. In the example above, the pupil has fully achieved 3 out of 5 objectives in the ability level, giving 60%.

Percentage of assessed: This is based on only the objectives that a pupil has been assessed on in the current academic year. It shows how well a pupil has achieved in what they have been assessed in. In the example above, the pupil has fully achieved 3 out of the 3 objectives they have been assessed on in the current academic year, giving 100%.

Both types of percentage take into account the colour of assessments recorded for the pupil. In the CM NC14 Framework and most other frameworks, the colours are weighted as shown in the table below.













Example markbook calculations

NB Overall percentage calculated here is on the basis that these are all of the objectives in Y1. Percentage of assessed calculated here is on the basis that all of these assessments were recorded in the current academic year and no other assessments were recorded in this subject in any previous academic year.

Data from the markbooks can be viewed in the following reports:

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