If a pupil has been assessed against objectives outside their current year group they may appear in the Sig. Above or Sig Below categories on the Overview Reports

If a pupil has only been assessed against objectives below their current year group, for example a Year 3 pupil assessed against Year 3 objectives this academic year, the pupil in question will show as Sig. Below on the Overview Reports

If a pupil has been assessed against objectives from the year above, for example a Year 3 pupil assessed only against Year 4 objectives this academic year, the pupil in question will show as Sig. Above on the Overview Reports

If a pupil has assessments in more than one ability, only the highest value will be used.  For example if a Year 3 pupil has a score of 70% in Year 3 and 10% in Year 4, the Year 3 score will be used.  

This rule only applies when the assessments made against a pupil exceed their year group.  For example a Year 4 pupil who has a score of 70% in Year 3 and 10% in Year 4 will have their Year 4 score used as their year group exceeds that of Year 3.

If a pupil has not had their year group correctly calculated, they could be showing Sig. Above or Sig. Below for the aforementioned reasons. Pupil year groups are calculated automatically based on their date of birth.  If a pupil needs to be moved up or down a year group this can be done using the Pupil Year Group Offset or multiple pupils can be changed at once using the Bulk Edit Pupils tool.

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Pupil Year Group Offset

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