The Bulk Edit Pupils function allows for the editing of pupil properties, such as Pupil Premium and Free School Meals, for multiple pupils at once.  This feature is used to update manually created pupils; schools with an MIS sync should update their pupils on their MIS so that the information syncs over.  

Note: United Arab Emirates (UAE) Schools will be able to edit Pupil Premium, Gifted and Talented, Country, SEN Type and SEN Provision when editing an MIS pupil.

The Bulk Edit Pupils function can be accessed from the settings page under the school configuration section:

The page will load and initially show all pupils in the school on the left hand side.  The search can be refined to a particular group by clicking on the group drop-down and selecting a group you wish to review.  The search box allows you to search for specific pupils and there is the option to filter each field.  For example clicking on the filter icon for 'Year Group' and typing 5 in the search box will filter the pupil list to Year 5 pupils.

To change a characteristic for a set of pupils:

1. (Optional) Select a specific group that you wish to look at from the Group drop-down.

2. Click in the boxes next to the pupil to highlight them:

3. Press the 'Include' button so that the pupils appear in the 'Pupils To Be Updated' section:

4. Select a pupil property to edit from the drop-down list and then the appropriate change to be made for the selected pupils:

5. Click 'Save Changes' for the changes to take effect.