Classroom Monitor administration involves the creation of Teachers, Pupils and Groups. 

A Teacher can be assigned to as many groups as you have created and a pupil can feature in as many of those groups as you need.

All administration is carried out through the Settings area within Classroom Monitor where you will find the following sections:

Personal Settings

Change my details

Change Password

Change Email

School Configuration

Pupil Management

Group Management

Teacher Management

Teacher Group Management

Pupil Group Membership

Upload Pupils

Upload Groups

Upload Teachers

Statutory Data

Attendance Data - must be added to Classroom Monitor manually

If your schools uses a Management Information System the creation of this information can be performed by Classroom Monitor automatically.

If you do not use an MIS system you can either upload a .CSV files for the creation/amendment of Pupils, Teachers and Groups or you can create these records manually.

Any records that have been created by the MIS however cannot be manually edited.

Related Articles

How do I add teachers?

How do I add pupils?

How can I create groups?

Why can't I access the Settings area?

Why can't I edit records that are created by the MIS synchronisation?