There are a number of reports designed to support governor meetings or data reporting for external scrutiny. The exact source of these will depend on the ‘assessment mix’ used by the school.  

The key reports are listed below:

Overview Reports: This report gives headline data of the class attainment and progress. It will identify the percentage of a group that are working below, working at or working above in up to three subjects with a combined total. You can also view key vulnerable groups in the same format. 

NB – the link above is for schools using markbook data. Those schools using ‘point in time’ judgements or tests for overview reporting should use the external overview reports.

Group Matrix: This report compares data over two different dates to highlight progress or from two different sources such as internal teacher assessed data with external test data. In a pupil progress meeting, use this report for moderation, to identify students falling behind and to review progress between two points in the year.

Ability Matrix: This report allows you to review progress between any two points in time from the same curriculum. You can choose the ability level that you expect the pupils to be working within. This report is particularly useful for comparing progress in a non-year group-based curriculum or for pupils who are working below their expected year group by age. 

Multi-Ability Progress Report: Review pupils’ progress across different year groups. This report is important for demonstrating detailed progress of pupils who working out of year group or who have spiky profiles across different areas of the curriculum. 

Curriculum TrackingUse this report to demonstrate identify focus on teaching, inform planning and gaps across the school. The new Ofsted framework (Sept 19) focuses heavily on curriculum. This report is useful for managing curriculum delivery and focus. The report can also be used to identify key pupils for targeted interventions.