These reports are to allow you to view attainment data that has imported into Classroom Monitor through External Data or recorded through Judgements. This may include point in time judgements, test data or data imported from another assessment system.

School Overview Single-Subject View

This report provides an overview of data for the whole school broken down into each year group and characteristics for a particular imported test or point in time Judgement

To load a School Overview Single-Subject View:

  • Import Type: Select type of data you are wanting to look at.  If you want to know what Import Type data has been recorded as, go to External Data and click on Previous Imports.

  • Import Subject: Select the subject the data has been associated to.  This can also be seen in Previous Imports.

  • Imports From Date: This will be date the information was recorded for.  This is the Test Date column in the Previous Imports section 

  • Imports Until Date: This needs to be later than the Imports from date.  This will help filter out files from later dates.

  • Column: This will be the relevant information from the import that you want to look at.  Judgements or imports that only have on set of information will only have one option to select from. 

  • Load Report

Year Overview Single-Subject View

An overview of data for each characteristics group in a year group for a particular imported test or point in time Judgement.  This is loaded in the same way as the School Overview Single-Subject View, but with the addition of selecting the relevant year group.

Class Overview Single-Subject View

An overview of data for each characteristics group in a class group for a particular imported test or point in time Judgement.  This is loaded in the same way as Year Overview Single-Subject View, but instead of selecting a year group, you are selecting a class group.