The EYFS Export options are available within the EYFS section of the Progress area.

The EYFS Exports allow data for all 17 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage to be exported at once to an Excel spreadsheet. The Overview reports show the numbers of pupils working at a particular level and the Ability Tracking Report shows pupil levels for each of the 17 areas of the EYFS. 

EYFS Export - School Overview


This looks at EYFS data for the whole school.

To generate the EYFS Export - School Overview:

  • Report Date: Select the month that you are wanting to export data for.

  • CurriculumThere is a choice between EYFS Development Matters, assessing against individual objectives, and the EYFS Markbook, summative judgements.  

  • Settings - EYFS Development Matters Only: Select the boundaries for Beg, Dev and Sec

  • Export

This will generate a spreadsheet that shows the number of pupils working at each month band for each of the 17 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.  

Pupils are counted in the highest level they have been assessed at, for example if a pupil has achieved 30-50 Months Sec but also 40-60 Months Beg in a particular area, they will be counted as 40-60 Months Beg.

EYFS EXPORT - Year Overview

This is loaded in the same way as the EYFS Export - School Overview but has the option of selecting a year group:

The export produced is the same as the EYFS Export- School Overview except only looks at the selected Year group.

EYFS Export - Class Overview

This is loaded in the same way as the EYFS Export - School Overview but has the option of selecting a class Group instead of a Year Group.  The data on the export displays in the same format but only selects pupils from the designated class.

EYFS Export - Ability Tracking

This report shows individual pupils and the level they have achieved in each of the 17 areas.

To generate the EYFS Export - Ability Tracking:

  • Report Date: Select the month that you are wanting to export data for.

  • Class/Year:  Select either a Class or a Year Group to export data for.

  • Curriculum: There is a choice between EYFS Development Matters, assessing against individual objectives, and the EYFS Markbook, summative judgements.  

  • Settings - EYFS Development Matters Only: Select the boundaries for Beg, Dev and Sec

  • Export

As with the overview reports, the scores taken for pupils are the highest level they have been assessed at.  For example if a pupil has achieved 30-50 Months Sec but also 40-60 Months Beg in a particular area, their score on the export will be 40-60 Months Beg.