Classroom Monitor has two models for recording assessments against the EYFS framework. It’s important that your school chooses the approach that best fits what you would like to achieve. Please note that the way the EYFS Profile is recorded at the end of Reception is the same in both models

EYFS Development Matters (formative assessment): Access this by selecting EYFS Development Matters as the Curriculum on the Markbook selection menu.

This is the same approach as the previous version of Classroom Monitor. This method includes all the learning objectives in each of the 17 EYFS Development Matters subjects. Teachers record their assessments against each objective. This model allows you to track at a detailed level, using data to highlight gaps. Evidence of learning can be recorded against each objective, allowing the automatic creation of detailed learning journeys.

The 3-minute video below demonstrates how to record formative assessments with the EYFS Developments Matters framework, along with instructions on how to record evidence with the Classroom Monitor on mobile devices (the App is no longer required in the current version).

Markbook metrics

Markbook assessments are used in two calculations for each pupil which can be reported on in PROGRESS:

  • Overall Percentage: This looks at assessments made for a pupil in a single ability level of a subject. It calculates each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements in that ability level.

  • Percentage of assessed: This looks at all assessments made for the pupil in the current academic year across all ability levels in a subject. It gives each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements that they have had assessment judgements recorded in.

The calculations take into account the colour of the assessment judgement using the weightings shown in the table below:











Example markbook calculations

EYFS Markbook (summative assessment): Access this by selecting EYFS Markbook as the Curriculum on the Markbook selection menu.

This model of assessment does not include individual learning objectives. EYFS practitioners instead record summative assessment against the EYFS Development Matters framework but just at subject level. Assessments are recorded using the traffic light colours of Red = BEG (Beginning), Yellow = DEV (Developing) & Green = SEC (Secure). Evidence can still be added and used to create learning journeys, linked to the subject area rather than individual learning objectives.

The 2-minute video below demonstrates how to record summative with the EYFS Markbook