Looking At Last Year's Data: How Do I Access Imported or Transitioned Data?
Modified on: Wed, 19 Feb, 2020 at 3:13 PM
If you have imported data from a different assessment platform such as SPTO or data from Classroom Monitor v1 (Teacher Assessments), it will be available to view in 5 progress reports in the Progress area. The descriptions for these reports are below along with a summary video at the top of the page.
Judgements: This report allows you to view individual pupils data. On the selection screen (using SPTO data as an example):
Group: Select the class group that you want to look at the data for.
Curriculum/External Data Import: Select Imported Data.
Score Import: The SPTO data file name, usually 'SPTO Subject'. Exact file names can be seen in Previous Imports.
Column: The end of year result that you wish to view i.e selecting Year 4 will show you the pupils end of year results for when they were in Year 4.
Load Report.
Group Matrix: This is designed to show historic data in 2 ways:
Comparing 2 points in time using imported/transitioned data. I.E. Current Year 6 children's data from End of Year 2 to End of Year 5:
Comparing an imported data point with data recorded in Classroom Monitor.
As on the judgements report, SPTO/transitioned data is selected by choosing 'Imported Data' under Curriculum/External Data Import. In the 'Score Import' drop down you will need to select the SPTO data import file name, usually 'SPTO Subject'. The exact file names can be seen in Previous Imports. In the 'Column' option you will be selecting the data for the year group the children were in.
Historic School Overview (Multi-Subject View): Designed to get a whole school picture of imported/transitioned data. On the selection screen:
Academic Year: This will align pupils to the year they were in at that point in time - e.g to view data for 2019-2020 year 6 pupils when they were in year 5, select the academic year as 2018-2019 from the drop down.
Import Type: Select SPTO or Teacher Assessment from the drop down.
Imports from/until date: Select the files to view by choosing the dates that the historic data files were imported.
Import: Select the subject files themselves in the drop down. NB: you can select up to 3 files here. Exact file names can be found in Previous Imports.
Load Report.
This will display the imported data for the whole school based on your selection.
Historic Year Overview (Multi-Subject View): Follow the selection process as above, but also choosing an individual year group to display data based on an individual year group.
Historic Class Overview (Multi-Subject View): Follow the selection process as above, but also choosing an individual class group to display data based on an individual class group.
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