These reports draw on data recorded in the markbooks for early years pupils and are designed to meet the specific data needs for these pupils.
The EYFS data reports can be accessed from the EYFS tab on the Progress screen:
EYFS Group Report
The EYFS Group Report can be used to view attainment for a group of pupils in a specific area of learning between two dates. To load an EYFS Group Report:
1. Start/End Date: The date range that you wish to view information for.
2. Group: Select the foundation stage class that you wish to view data for.
3. Curriculum: EYFS Development Matters will show information based on the objectives assessed against on the markbook for this curriculum. EYFS Markbook will show the summative judgements made for the month bands in this curriculum.
4. Area of Learning: Select the one Area of Learning that you wish to view information for.
5. Display Data As:
Pupil Names: Scores for each individual pupil show.
Pupil Type: Averages for each characteristics group are shown.
6. Load Report.
When selecting Pupil Names, the report will appear in the following format:
If EYFS Markbook is selected under curriculum it will provide a single view based on the judgements made. If the EYFS Development Matters curriculum is selected there will be three options at the top of the report:
Percent View: View the overall percentages pupils have attained at each month band for the selected area.
Grade View: View the grades, Beg, Dev or Sec, that each pupil has been placed into based on the percentage settings for the selected Area of Learning.
Overlay View: Overlay the Grade View from the EYFS Development Matters curriculum with any summative judgements that have been added in the EYFS Markbook curriculum.
The percentage thresholds for Beg, Dev and Sec can be altered at the top of the report. The numbers in each section are the upper thresholds for that grade. Beg always starts at 1%, in the example below Beg is 1-33%, Dev is 34-66% and Sec is 67-100%. If a pupil has not been assessed in a particular month banding they will not have any grade and the section will appear blank.
Once the thresholds have been changed, click update to apply them:
When Pupil Type is selected, the report will show the Overall % averages for the characteristic groups for the class selected:
EYFS Pupil Report
The EYFS Pupil Report can be used to view attainment for a single pupil in multiple areas of learning between two dates:
1. Start/End Date: The date range that you want to look at information for.
2. Group: Select the foundation stage class that you wish to view data for.
3. Pupil: Select the pupil from the Group you wish to view information for.
4.. Curriculum: EYFS Development Matters will show information based on the objectives assessed against on the markbook for this curriculum. EYFS Markbook will show the summative judgements made for the month bands in this curriculum.
5. Areas of Learning: Select the Area or Areas of Learning that you wish to view information for. It is possible to select all 17 Areas of Learning.
6. Load Report.