This export produces an Excel spreadsheet that contains External Data or Judgements that have been recorded on to Classroom Monitor alongside key characteristic information of pupils such as pupil premium and free school meals.  This export does not have a specific file selection.  It looks for the most recent data, based on the Test Date, for a pupil that corresponds to the Import Type and subjects selected.

To generate an export:

  • Cohort:  select the group you wish to generate an export for.

  • Import Type: Select the import type that you wish to export information for. To view what import type a piece of information has been put on to Classroom Monitor as, check the Previous Imports page.

  • Subject: Select the subject that the External Data or Judgements has been associated to.  To view the subject that has been associate to the data, check the Previous Imports page.

  • Import Column: Select the information that you wish to view on the report.  If more than one import column is available based on the import type selected, multiple options can be selected.

  • Use imports from test date: This will look at imports from this this date onward based on their Test Date.  The Test Date for imports can be seen on the the Previous Imports page.

  • Until:  The system will look at all external data imports up to the date selected based on their Test Date.  The Test Date for imports can be seen on the the Previous Imports page.

  • Export Report.

The report will generate as an Excel Spreadsheet.  Below is an example of what one could look like:

In order to be able to understand the export, please see the below explanations for the key columns and the information that they contain:

  • Column D - Subject Name: This will show the subject that has been associated to a Judgement.

  • Column L OnwardThis column will display the Import Column information.  In the above example, as Judgements Progress 3 has been selected, there is only one Import Column, Judgement.  For tests where there are multiple Import Columns and more than one has been selected, the will appear in subsequent columns after L.  For example with an export for PUMA results, there could be Standardised Age Score in Column L, HSS in Column M, Age SS in Column N and Age SS Percentile in Column O.