The Teacher Assessment import type can import a value that corresponds to the terminology used by your school to measure a child's attainment. By default Classroom Monitor uses the following:
Sig. Below - (1)
Below - (2)
At - (3)
Above - (4)
Sig. Above - (5)
The numerical value is what needs to be used when importing Teacher Assessments via External Data.
Using this method you can import multiple values for the same pupil with an option for one value per academic year. For example, the pupil below is currently a Year 6 pupil and they have no Teacher Assessment score for Year 6 as of yet, but they do have a Teacher Assessment score that can be imported as the end of year position for each previous academic year. The information would be entered on the template as follows:
Once uploaded on to Classroom Monitor it will equate to:
How can I add these values without having to import them?