There are a number of reports designed to support pupil progress meetings. Ideally teachers should prepare these in advance of the meeting themselves for discussion. 

A sample are listed below, including links to the relevant help pages:

Class Overview (markbook or external data): This report gives headline data of the class attainment and progress. It will identify pupils in the group that are working below, working at or working above in up to 3 subjects with a combined total. 

Pupil Reports – Progress reports: These are individual pupil reports that highlight a pupil’s performance against curricula objectives. For a pupil progress meeting, they can be used to highlight gaps and targeted areas of support for key pupils. They are often used for those pupils who are at risk of falling behind. 

Group Matrix: This report compares data over two different dates to highlight progress or from two different sources such as internal teacher assessed data with external test data. In a pupil progress meeting, use this report for moderation, to identify pupils falling behind and to look at progress between two points in the year.

Curriculum tracking: Identify focus on teaching, inform planning and highlight gaps across the school that need attention. 

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