The Dashboard is a new feature that shows the assessment that has been recently recorded in the markbooks by the user, as well as a breakdown of the assessment grades from the previous 7, 14 or 28 days. The Dashboard can be accessed through the menu on the left hand side or from the home selection screen.


The Recent Activity section shows the assessment that has been made in the markbooks by the user in the last 7, 14 or 28 days. For each assessment that has been made it shows the date the assessment was made, the name of the pupil the assessment was made against and the colour of the assessment that was made.

The Recent Activity also allows for a quick and easy access to the markbook. Rather than going to the menu, selecting Markbook and making your selections to load up the markbook, you can 'click to view' on the Recent Activity section. This will automatically take you to and load up the markbook that the recent piece of assessment relates to.


On the right hand side of the Dashboard screen is a pie chart which shows a breakdown of the different assessment that has been recorded over the past 7, 14 or 28 days, depending on the number of days selected on the Recent Activity feature. The default selection of the pie chart is 'All Curriculums' and 'All Subjects', however you can use the drop downs to drill into a specific curriculum and subject.