This export produces a spreadsheet that contains both scores generated by the markbook, percentage of assessed and percentage overall, alongside key characteristic information of pupils such as pupil premium and free school meals.  

To generate an export:

  • Cohort: Select the group that you wish to generate an export for.

  • Curriculum: Select the curriculum that contains the subjects you want to create an export for.

  • Subject:  Select one or more subjects that you wish to see markbook scores for.

  • Report Date: Select the month that you want to look at scores for.

  • Export Report.

The report will generate as an Excel Spreadsheet.  Below is an example of what one could look like:

In order to be able to understand the export, please see the below explanations for the key columns and the information that they contain:

  • Column C - Pupil Year Group:  This displays the Year Group that the pupil is currently in.

  • Column D - Subject Name: This displays the subject selected for the export.

  • Column E - Year Group: This refers to the Years in the Ability/Years field when loading the markbook that the scores are displayed for.  If the curriculum does not have year group mapping, where objectives are associated to year groups, no scores will be shown on the export.

  • Column M - Percentage Assessed: This shows the Percentage of Assessed score for the pupil in the Year Group displayed in Column E.  Further information about how this score is generated can be found on the  following help page: Markbook Data.

  • Column N - Overall Percentage: This displays the Overall Percentage score for the pupil in the Year Group displayed in Column E.  Further information about how this score is generated can be found on the  following help page: Markbook Data.