This series of short videos covers all the essential features of Classroom Monitor. Starting with verifying your account and logging in, the quick start videos cover all aspects of recording and reporting attainment and progress within your school. Videos titled SLT and Admin cover off aspects only applicable to these user roles. All of the videos include subtitles.

Verify Account & Logging In (1:10)

This video covers verifying your account, logging in for the first time and the main menu in Classroom Monitor.


SLT - Managing Pupil Groups (1:54)

Creating smaller groups within your class and creating teaching groups with pupils selected from more than one class.


Recording Markbook Assessments (2:34)

Recording teacher assessments for pupils against learning objectives within the markbook.


Recording Evidence (1:52)

How to record and store evidence of pupils' learning within the markbook.


Importing Assessment Data From Test Publishers (2:26)

How to import test data from leading test publishers for analysis or to be used in combination with other assessment data.


Point in time / summative judgements (2:02)

How to record 'point in time' or summative judgements using multiple sets of assessment information as a reference.


Class Group Overview (2:16)

How to track attainment and progress for a class using the Class Group Overview report.


Curriculum Tracking (0:54)

Using the Curriculum Tracking report to analyse a group's attainment in relation to specific criteria in your markbook framework.


Group Matrix (1:34)

How to compare two sets of data to gain a view of attainment and progress for a group.


Focusing Your Markbook (2:21)

How to focus your markbook onto the specific areas you are assessing and using previous assessments to inform short term planning.


SLT - Attainment Settings Guidance (2:57)

How to use and adjust the attainment settings within the Overview and Matrix reports.


SLT - Markbook Overview Reports (3:07)

How to use the Markbook Overview reports (school, year & class) to monitor high-level attainment and progress for up to three subjects at a time.


Pupil Progress Meeting (9:52)

Classroom Monitor includes several reports designed to support pupil progress meetings. The video below is recorded live and in less than 10 minutes will show you how to prepare for a pupil progress meeting.

Preparing for a Governors' Meeting (13:44)

The video below outlines the reports designed to support Governor meetings or data reporting for external scrutiny. The video is in 6 chapters (click on the chapter at the start to select or play from the beginning).

Reviewing Last Year's Data (9:47)

The video and help page links below outline how to review end of year data as well as comparing it to a current position. The video is in 4 chapters (click on the chapter at the start to select or play from the beginning).

EYFS Development Matters Framework – Recording Assessments (3:14)

This video demonstrates how to record formative assessments with the EYFS Developments Matters framework, along with instructions on how to record evidence with the Classroom Monitor on mobile devices (the App is no longer required in the current version).

EYFS Markbook– Subject Level Assessment (3:14)

This model of assessment does not include individual learning objectives. EYFS practitioners instead record summative assessment against the EYFS Development Matters framework but just at subject level. 

EYFS Progress Reporting (2:21)

This video covers the use of the EYFS Group Report and the EYFS Pupil Report. 

Using a mobile device (2:51)

This version of Classroom Monitor has been optimised for use on mobile devices (phones & tablets) and can be accessed using your mobile web browser.  

Parent Consultations: Using Pupil Reports (8:35)

This video show you how to generate Pupil Attainment Reports, Pupil Progress Reports and Pupil Evidence Reports.

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