The Pupil Progress Report is designed to show how a pupil has progressed in individual objectives in the selected subjects. These can be useful to see where pupils are progressing, and where they are not, in order to plan their next steps. These can be useful to share with parents, pupils and other professionals.

To generate a Pupil Progress Report:

Pupils From

  • Group: Select the group containing the pupils you wish to generate a report for.

  • Pupils: The default will be all pupils, you can select a single pupil or certain pupils by selecting their individual names in the dropdown.

Subjects From

  • Curriculum & Subjects: Select the curriculum you wish to view subjects from in the curriculum box and then the subjects from it in the box next to it.  The default is all subjects, individual subjects can be selected by clicking on their names in the drop down.  To add more than one curriculum, select your first curriculum and the subjects you want.  The go back to the curriculum dropdown and select your next curriculum and subjects.  The selected curriculum and subjects will appear below the two boxes.  To remove a curriculum and subjects, click the remove button next to it.


  • For Months: Select the months that you want assessment to be shown for (objectives which were not assessed in the selected months will not be shown).


  • Run Type: On Demand

  • Report Type: Pupil Progress

  • Report Name: Provide an appropriate name so that you can identify the report for download.

  • Show Colours: Yes - This will produce a coloured report. No - This will produce a black and white report.

  • Show Ability Names: Yes - This will show which ability level an objective comes from.  No - The objectives will not display with their ability level.

Once the selections have been made click "Schedule Report" and the report will enter the queue to be generated.  The report will appear in the scheduled reports section.  Once the 'Status' column says 'Complete', it will become available for download.