What is Discovery RE?
Discovery RE is a comprehensive set of detailed medium-term planning for Religious Education for 3-11 year-olds. 59 Enquiry modules (each with 6 lessons) covering Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism support the teacher to deliver engaging and challenging RE lessons with confidence. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given fresh treatment each year, developing children’s learning in a progressive way. Discovery RE’s assessment system allows teachers to easily assess and track pupil progress.
Discovery RE also contains mapping documents that demonstrate how the scheme fully supports SMSC, British Values, the requirements of locally agreed syllabi and Understanding Christianity. The Discovery RE assessment statements are available in Classroom Monitor for schools who use the scheme.
For more information about purchasing the Discovery RE scheme of work, please visit the Discovery RE website or call +44 (0)1202 377192.
Framework Structure
There is a single subject, Discovery RE, which contains assessment statements for the scheme of work for Year 1-6.
Selecting a paricular year group will show objectives for each unit, with the Green, Red and Blue statements listed as separate objectives
The objectives are organised into strands to reflect the scheme of work:
Blue- Knowledge and understanding
Green- Personal resonance or reflection
Red- Evaluation and critical thinking
Focusing your markbook on one of these strands helps understanding of how a group is attaining in that specific aspect.
Teacher assessments
Teachers can assess pupils against the Green, Red and Blue statements for each unit. A traffic light system is in place so that teachers can record whether individuals are Working Towards, Working At or Working Beyond for each statement.
So that you can make accurate judgements, guidance is available when you click on the icon on an objective.
You can use the markbook to record pupil attainment during the course of the year. This can inform planning and subject development.
Markbook metrics
Markbook judgements are used in two calculations for each pupil which can be reported on in PROGRESS:
Overall Percentage: This looks at assessments made for a pupil in a single ability level of a subject. It calculates each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements in that ability level.
Percentage of assessed: This looks at all assessments made for the pupil in the current academic year across all ability levels in a subject. It gives each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements that they have had assessment judgements recorded in.
NB There are optional units in Discovery RE. This means that there may be some objectives that your school does not cover. Please bear this in mind when setting your percentage expectations for overall percentages in PROGRESS.
The calculations take into account the colour of the assessment judgement using the weightings shown in the table below: