Who Are A2E?


Access to Education (A2E) are the Special Educational Support Services provided by Birmingham City Council and are made up of teams of specialists. Pupil and School Support (PSS) are a team of just under 40 teachers who work in all mainstream schools across Birmingham focussing on Cognition and Learning Difficulties, and supporting SENCo’s in their strategic role.

What is the SEN Toolkit?

The A2E SEN Toolkit 2018 is designed to be used in primary settings with pupils in Year 1 or above who are working significantly below the expected level for their age, and are not making progress towards closing the gap. The toolkits are for Language & Literacy and Maths and the full package from A2E consists of assessment frameworks along with teaching and learning resources. Only the assessment frameworks are available in Classroom Monitor and not the resources. The frameworks support clear identification of strengths and weaknesses of a pupil, and assist in the provision of well targeted support.

Subject Coverage and Structure

In Classroom Monitor, you will find the Language & Literacy Continuum and the Maths Framework. Each is split into a series of subject areas with three subjects within Language & Literacy and two within Maths. There is a Classroom Monitor markbook for each subject area. Each subject has a number of strands which are each focused on a specific theme. Details of the subjects and strands are in the tables below.


Each framework is split into 16 ability bands, running from the equivalent of pre-key stage Standard 1 to end of year 6 age related expectations. The table below shows the approximate equivalence between each band and the pre key stage standards it relates to along with the approximate National Curriculum age related expectation. This can be useful to identify the relevant band to start to assess pupils as well as to be able to translate attainment in the toolkit to an approximate score in a mainstream framework if that is appropriate in your school.

Assessment Judgements

Each pupil has a tile for each markbook statement, where teachers can record their assessment judgements using a traffic light system. 

Markbook metrics

Markbook judgements are used in two calculations for each pupil which can be reported on in PROGRESS:

  • Overall Percentage: This looks at assessments made for a pupil in a single ability level of a subject. It calculates each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements in that ability level.

  • Percentage of assessed: This looks at all assessments made for the pupil in the current academic year across all ability levels in a subject. It gives each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements that they have had assessment judgements recorded in.

The calculations take into account the colour of the assessment judgement using the weightings shown in the table below:

Activation of framework

There is a £250 activation fee for current Classroom Monitor customers and school details will be passed to A2E on activation. Please raise a support case by clicking here to request activation

This will provide you with access to the assessment statements within Classroom Monitor. It does not provide all the resources and specialist support you receive with an Access to Education Membership.