Teacher pathway, Level 3
Outcome: To be able to share information held in Classroom Monitor with parents
Why it matters: There are a number of tools built into the system that will help you to share pupil assessment information easily and effectively using information that has already been recorded in the markbooks. This means that they require the minimum amount of effort from teachers beyond what they are already doing.
Time to complete: 30 minutes
The Reports area allows you to collate and output information that is stored in the markbooks. You can quickly and easily generate documents which you can share with others such as parents, pupils themselves or other professionals. They use the information that is already recorded in the markbook into a format that is easy to share.
There are three types of Pupil Report which all generate as PDF documents:
Pupil Attainment Report gives an overview of the child’s achievements and/or targets at a specific point in time
Pupil Progress Report can show pupil’s progress against markbook statements over time and the
Pupil Evidence Report gives an output of all of evidence that has been stored in the markbooks
General principles
The Reports menu is accessed by clicking the REPORTS icon in the blue menu bar.
When generating a pupil report, you will always have the following options:
Pupils: Select Pupil group and pupils- you can select all pupils in a group or select individuals
Subjects: You can only select one curriculum in a single report but this can contain as many subjects as you need
Show: Here you can select the type of pupil report you want and give it a name so that you can easily identify it at a later date.
When: Select the months that you want assessment to be shown for (objectives which were not assessed in the selected months will not be shown)
Display options: These will vary depending on the report you have chosen.
At the bottom of each menu is a button to 'schedule' the report. Pressing this button will allow the reports to generate in the background while you get on with something else. Depending on the number of subjects, dates and pupils you have chosen this may take some time.
When you are ready to download your reports, you can return to the 'Reports' menu and press the 'View Scheduled Reports' button.
Pupil Attainment Report
The Pupil Attainment Report is designed to show how well a pupil is achieving in individual objectives in a framework. These can be useful to give an overview of how a pupil is achieving in a subject and what their next steps or targets are. They are great for sharing with pupils as well as parents and can cover single or multiple subjects in a curriculum.
The report will show the latest colour recorded in the markbook for the months selected. This means that if you wanted to show objectives that were assessed in the Autumn term, for example, you would chose September, October, November and December. Selecting a single month will only show objectives assessed in that month.
When generating Pupil Attainment Reports, you have the following options:
Show colours: Yes- if you want a colour printout, No- if you want black and white only
Show comments: Yes- if you want an empty comment box to appear next to each objective. These can be used for for adding a self evaluation or parent feedback, No, if you do not need a comment box
Show ability names: Yes- if you want to show which ability level an objective comes from, No-if you do not want to share this
In the Pupil Attainment Report, you also have the option to set 'limits' at the bottom of the menu. These allow you to specify the number of each colour of assessment judgement you would like to appear in your report which allows you to generate the best report for a range of purpose. So for a report to celebrate successes, you might set red and yellow to 0 while keeping blue and green to 'no limit; or if you were creating target sheets you might set green and blue to 0 and specify 5 red and 5 yellow assessed statements.
Pupil Progress Report
The Pupil Progress Report is designed to show how a pupil has progressed in individual objectives in the selected subjects. These can be useful to see where pupils are progressing, and where they are not, in order to plan their next steps. These can be useful to share with parents, pupils and other professionals.
In the menu, you will select:
Pupils: Pupil group and pupils- all pupils or select individuals
Subjects: Curriculum and subject(s)
When: Select each month that you want assessment to be shown for.
You will also need to select: Run Type- "On Demand" and Report Type "Progress". You will also need to name the reports so that you can identify them to download.
You have the options:
Show colours: Yes- if you want a colour printout, No- if you want black and white only
Show ability names: Yes- if you want to show which ability level an objective comes from, No-if you do not want to share this
The Pupil Evidence Report collates evidence that is stored in the markbook for a single pupil. It will show the evidence alongside the assessment statements that it has been attached to. Many people are familiar with using Learning Journeys like this in the Early Years but they can also be used to document learning in other subjects. These can be useful to share with parents, pupils and other professionals.
In the menu, you will select:
Pupils: Pupil group and pupils- all pupils or select individuals
Subjects: Curriculum and subjects
When: Select the months that you want to show evidence for
You will also need to select: Run Type- "On Demand" and Report Type "Evidence". You will also need to name the reports so that you can identify them to download.
You have the options:
Show colours: Yes- if you want a colour printout, No- if you want black and white only
Show ability names: Yes- if you want to show which ability level an objective comes from, No-if you do not want to share this