Teacher pathway, Level 3

Outcome: Can track your pupils’ attainment and progress

Why it matters: Tracking data isn’t just for SLT, it can help you to get a general picture of attainment for your pupils so that you can focus your teaching. It can also help you to identify the pupils who aren’t making the progress that you would expect so that you can plan intervention.

Time to complete: 45 minutes

Introduction to PROGRESS

The PROGRESS reports can be accessed via the 'PROGRESS' icon on the left hand side of the screen when you login. A brief description of each report is shown on the overview page. You can access a report by clicking on its name. Once you have the PROGRESS menu open, you can switch between reports using the 'Report Type' dropdown menu.

The PROGRESS reports in Classroom Monitor work with 3 types of data:

  • Markbook data: Assessment judgements recorded in the markbook are used to generate percentage scores for each pupil in each subject.  

  • External data: Data that was not generated in Classroom Monitor but has been imported. This can include test results and end of key stage data.

  • Judgements: Recorded by the teacher for each pupil in the Judgements report.

Class Group Overview

The information in the Class group Overview report is designed to make it simple to monitor the attainment and progress of a class or group and to quickly compare attainment data for sub-groups and/or subjects. You can select the group, report date, curriculum and up to 3 subjects in the menu. NB Some subjects may not appear in this menu as they are inappropriate for this type of reporting. You will be able to view data for these subjects in other reports.


As you can see in the example above, attainment data in the selected subjects is classified into 5 categories (Sig below, Below, AT, Above, Sig Above) and is relative to expectations on the report date rather than end of year expectations. Data for pupils will be generated from the objectives that are tagged to their year group e.g. Year 3 data will be generated from Year 3 objectives. An SLT member of your school will set the expectations for which percentages fall into each category. These will change according to the time of year, and the parameters used to generate the data are shown in the Legend below the table. If you don't feel that the settings that have been used in the report are appropriate, you should speak to somebody with an SLT account in your school.

Each cell of the table shows the number and proportion of pupils in the row who fall into that category. You can click on the numbers to find the names of the pupils and you also have the option to view a graph for each subject. There is also a 'Combined' measure; this classifies pupils as 'Working AT or above' if they are in the 'at' or 'above' category in all 3 subjects selected and 'Not working AT' if they are not. 


This report is designed to compare two sets of data and is a great way of viewing both attainment and progress for a group. For example, you could compare markbook data from the end of last year to current markbook data; compare KS1 data and current markbook or test data; or compare scores in a test with teacher assessment information. 


You will select options for the matrix following the sequence shown here:

1. Select a group to report on. You can choose to filter the group to a specified sub-group if you choose.

2. Make selection 1. Depending on your requirements, this can be either:

a) The markbook curriculum, subject and date assessments were saved

b) Imported test results, select the import, select column from import

3. Set the parameters for each category for Selection 1. Your options will depend on the data chosen. You can type in the booxes to show which scores should be placed in which category. These settings are to be used as best fits your school's assessment practices and expectations. They are likely to vary over the course of the year, so you should always check that these are appropriate for the data selected. The only restrictions are that Sig below starts at 0%, Sig above ends at 100% and certain boxes are greyed out and filled automatically to ensure that there is no overlap between categories. 

4. Make selection 2. 

5. Set the parameters for each category for Selection 2

6. Press Load Report

Whichever data you are comparing, the Matrix will allow you to easily identify pupils who aren't where you would expect them to be:

  • Pupils in the Sig Below or Below category aren't meeting the expectations that you have set for the group

  • Pupils on the diagonal are in the same category on both measures; clicking 'show overlay' will highlight this for you. Pupils above or below the diagonal aren't where you would expect them to be. The Overlay Summary below the table shows you the proportion of pupils in each region

Clicking on the number in a cell will show you the names of the pupils in that cell, or for multiple cells. In this way you can identify pupils who may require some intervention or other targeting.

Curriculum tracking

This report collates data from the markbook so that you can analyse the group's attainment in relation to specific aspects of the curriculum. Data can be shown in table or graph format.


This can be useful to inform your planning as it helps identify areas that the group needs to work on and those that don't require further whole class teaching. Clicking on any of the numbers tells you the names of the pupils in that cell. This can be useful to highlight pupils with particular needs that you may want to address. 

In the menu, you will need to specify the ability or year group of the objectives to be reported on. Any ability can be selected for a single group of pupils.

Score Tracking

This is a table which shows monthly data for individual pupils over the current academic year in a single markbook subject. When generating the table, you will need to specify the ability that you are reporting on. 

Multi-Ability Tracking

This report is particularly useful for understanding the attainment of pupils with 'spiky profiles' as you can look at attainment across objectives from up to 4 abilities. You can view the data as a table or a graph.