SLT pathway, Level 2

Outcome: Can check whether individuals are following usage expectations

Why it matters: To make sure that the data that you retrieve from Classroom Monitor is reliable, you may want to check that users are using Classroom Monitor in the way that they have been asked to.

Time to complete: 15 minutes

Why monitor usage?

The data that you can retrieve from Classroom Monitor is only as good as the data that is being put in, so it makes sense to check that data is being recorded as you would expect. This is particularly the case in the early days of using the system when you will want to check that users have successfully started using Classroom Monitor and to identify users who may need support with integrating the system into their practice.

Markbook usage

Looking at markbooks can give you a feel for how teachers are using Classroom Monitor. Remember that you will need to have been given access to a group in the SETTINGS area in order to load a markbook for a particular group. All objectives that have been assessed will have a coloured tile, while objectives that have not been assessed will show a grey tile. In most schools, these assessments will build up organically, so you wouldn’t expect to see lots of objectives assessed right at the beginning but instead a steady increase over time.

There are two ways to see when assessments were last recorded:

1. Hovering your cursor over a tile will show you when it was last assessed and by who.

2. Hovering your cursor over a pupil’s name shows when they last had assessment recorded for the displayed objectives.

You can also move into Evidence mode to see how much evidence is being saved. To view the evidence, you should select the relevant tile(s) and press the ‘View’ button.

You can access markbooks for any groups that you have been given access to in Group Management. If you need access to other groups, this can be given via User Management in the admin login.

Data availability

You can check that other data is being saved as expected by loading external data and/or judgements into reports.