CM Academy, Teacher Pathway, Level 2

Outcome: Able to store evidence of pupils’ learning in Classroom Monitor

Why it matters: Recording evidence in Classroom Monitor can be used for:

  • Informing your planning

  • Sharing with parents

  • Internal and external moderation

Time to complete: 15 minutes


Types of evidence

You can collect and store a variety of evidence of learning in Classroom Monitor:

  • Notes: A note may be to describe an observation, give reference for where the evidence can be found e.g. Science book- Separation experiment write-up 21/12/17 or simply to record the type of note you might write on your planning for easy future reference.

  • Photos: A photo of learning in action or of the end product; for example, a picture of a D&T project or a snap of work in a maths book or on a mini whiteboard. Any image can be attached as type ‘photo’ so this could be a range of things such as a scanned image of work or an image that a pupil has created on a computer.

  • Short videos: The maximum file size you can store is 40MB; so not enough for the whole school play but enough for a pupil to explain how they solved a problem or perform a short role play.

  • Audio clips: This could be pupils performing poetry, audio clips of their reading or explaining their understanding.

  • Documents: This could be documents where you have placed a number of pieces of evidence or a document that a pupil has created themselves.


As with all aspects of assessment, you should make sure that anything you record is for a specific purpose to avoid creating extra work for yourself. Many people focus on evidence for showing what a pupil can do, but it is also valuable for showing what they can’t. Evidence saved in the markbook will be easy to find as it is linked directly to pupil records along with assessment objectives where appropriate. 


Saving evidence

The first thing you will need to do is load a relevant markbook and then switch into ‘Evidence’ mode using the markbook control bar.

Adding evidence for one pupil on one assessment tile

  1. Click on the coloured tile for the relevant pupil and objective (this can be an assessed or unassessed tile)

  2. Click ‘Add’ in the top left

  3. This will take you to the evidence window shown below. The pupil and objective that the evidence is being attached for is shown at the bottom of the window. Add details:

    • Notes: Add any note required 

    • Evidence Type: Select the type of evidence that you want to attach.

    • Recorded Date: Defaults to today's date. Clicking in the box will give you options to easily change the date.

  4. If adding a file: Click ‘Select a file’ and navigate to your file or drag and drop a file into the window

  5.  Press 'Save Evidence' to save the evidence record 

If you have a tablet device that you use in the classroom, this can provide you with a really quick way of uploading evidence of learning as and when it happens. When you click the 'Select a file' button on a mobile device, you will be given the option to take a photo or video as well as being able to select something that you have previously captured.

Adding evidence for multiple pupils and/or multiple assessment tiles

You can add a single piece of evidence for more than one pupil and/or more than one assessment tile by selecting all of the relevant tiles before clicking the ‘Add’ button. You can do this by clicking in each tile you need, clicking on an objective to select that tile for all pupils or clicking on a pupil to select all tiles for that pupil.

Tip: If you want to attach evidence for objectives in more than one subject, then you just need to make sure that you have loaded more than one subject in the markbook.

Viewing evidence

Once the evidence has been uploaded to the database, you can see that it has been attached.

In the markbook, numbers appear to show the number of pieces of evidence that have been saved to that tile. If there is no evidence, ‘No evidence’ is displayed.

To view evidence, you need to select the relevant tile(s) and press ‘View’. Evidence will appear in a list. You can view the notes and a preview of any photos, by clicking on the list item. You can also download or remove evidence by clicking on the relevant button.