Teacher pathway, Level 2
Outcome: Can import data from spreadsheets
Why it matters: Many test publishers provide data exports in a spreadsheet. Importing these into Classroom Monitor gives you a wealth of analysis and reporting tools to use on the data in isolation or in combination with other assessment data.
Time to complete: 15 minutes
Data can be imported by any user via the Ext. Data icon in the menu bar. Preset import types are setup so that you can directly import the spreadsheets downloaded from test publishers.
The Import Process
1. Before importing, you will make selections about your data:
Import Type: Select the type of data that you are importing. There are a number of preset import types covering a number of test publishers. The import type you select sets the columns that the system will expect in your spreadsheet.
Import Name: This is for you to be able to identify the data when viewing in PROGRESS. If you leave this blank, the system will provide a name based on the type of import and date.
Subject: You need to associate the import with a single subject, or select 'No Subject' from the bottom of the list.
Year Group: Select the Year Group that the data in the import file is associated with.
Test date: Select the date that the test was taken on
2. You will then click the ‘Choose file’ button and locate your file.
3. When you click the ‘Next’ button, the data will transfer from the file onto the screen for you to check. If there any rows highlighted red, this means that data is missing, data is not in the required format or the pupil is not in the system. You will not be able to import data while any red rows exist. You will need to amend your file and then upload it again.
4. The data is stored in Classroom Monitor when the ‘Import Data’ button is pressed
Viewing the imported data
Once the data has been imported, you can verify the individual scores that have been imported via the 'Judgements' report in PROGRESS. You can view up to 3 columns of data using the 'Selections' tabs.
Grouped data can also be viewed in PROGRESS via the Ext. Data School Overview, Ext. Data Year Group Overview, Ext. Data Class Group Overview. The Group Matrix report also allows you to use imported data
Accessing imported spreadsheets
On the External data menu screen, you can click the 'Previous Imports' button to access a list of all of the spreadsheets that you have uploaded. You can download each file from here.