CM Leader pathway, Level 1
Outcome: Classroom Monitor account populated with pupil, group and user information
Why it matters: In order to use Classroom Monitor to its full potential, pupils and groups will need to be set up and maintained
Time to complete: 30 minutes

NB If you want information to transfer and update from your MIS automatically then you should set up an MIS sync; access Learning Guide L1ai.

Importing pupils, teachers and groups

Your account can be populated with pupils, teachers and groups in the ‘Settings’ area via Upload Pupils, Upload Teachers and Upload Groups. You will need admin permissions to be able to access these.

In each area you will find an example file which you can use as a template. These are in ‘csv’ format and you can open them in a spreadsheet application (e.g. Excel, Google Sheets).

You should paste your content into the relevant template. Guidance on each column of the templates is given below. Save as a CSV when complete.

These can then be uploaded in the relevant area. You will be given an opportunity to check the data being imported before it is saved in the system.

Pupils file

1. Mandatory columns:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender: Please type either Male or Female (not case sensitive) It will not accept any other formats such as: M, F…

2. Pupil identifier: One and only one of these should be completed

  • UPN

  • MIS ID: This can be either a valid UPN, a placeholder UPN or an admission number. This should be in the format of a UPN number (i.e. 13 characters with a letter at the start and numbers and letters for the remain characters). Please create your own UPN numbers, if your school does not have these assigned to pupils.

  • Other Identifier

3. Optional columns: Columns that you do not wish to use can be left blank or deleted from the spreadsheet. Guidance for the optional columns is given below

  • Preferred Name 

  • Free School Meals: entered as 'T', 'F', 'Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N'

  • Pupil First Language

  • Looked After: entered as 'T', 'F', 'Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N'

  • Pupil Premium: entered as 'T', 'F', 'Yes', 'No', 'Y', 'N'

4. Select the date format used in the file from the dropdown

5. Select the Pupil identifier used in the file from the dropdown

6. Press ‘Continue’

7. Check data to be imported

8. Press ‘Save’ to import pupils

Teacher file

  • Email

  • First Name

  • Title (optional)

  • Last Name

  • Address (optional)

  • Preferred Name (optional)

Groups file

  • Group Name

Keeping your pupils, teachers and groups up to date

In SETTINGS > School Configuration, admin users will also find Pupil Management, Teacher Management and Group Management. These work in very similar ways. You can edit records, make them inactive or add new ones in these areas.

Managing pupils in groups

In SETTINGS > School Configuration, admin users can use the Pupil Group Membership tool to assign pupils to groups as well as removing them from groups.

Groups are selected in the dropdown in the top left. The column on the left shows pupils who have been assigned to the selected group while the column on the right shows pupils who are not assigned to the group. 

Click on pupils to add and remove them using the buttons in the middle and remember to save changes before leaving the page.

Teacher access to groups

In SETTINGS > School Configuration, admin users can use Teacher Group Management tool to control the teachers which can access each group for use in MARKBOOK and PROGRESS.