The CM Assessment Framework is an assessment framework which provides full coverage of the National Curriculum Programmes of Study (2014). The assessment criteria have been written to be useful for formative purposes, without excessive workload requirements.
Framework Structure
Each subject has markbook statements arranged into the ability levels shown below.
Subject | Ability levels |
Reading Writing Spoken Language Maths Science | Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, KS3 |
Art and Design Computing Design and Technology Geography History Music Physical Education Religious Education | KS1, LKS2, UKS2, KS3 |
Modern Foreign Languages | LKS2, UKS2, KS3 |
Swimming KS1/2 | Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced |
PSHE | KS1, LKS2, UKS2 |
Citizenship | KS3 |
Subjects are also arranged into sub-subjects for more detailed data reporting, and strands to allow teachers to focus their markbooks to ease recording and viewing but also to facilitate progression across ability levels.
Teacher Assessments
Each pupil has a tile for each markbook statement, where teachers can record their assessments using a traffic light system.
They record the colour of assessment that best reflects a pupil's attainment of a markbook statement. To assist teachers in making their assessment judgements, guidance has been provided. This can be accessed by clicking on the circled icon on an assessment statement.
Markbook metrics
Markbook judgements are used in two calculations for each pupil which can be reported on in PROGRESS:
Overall Percentage: This looks at assessments made for a pupil in a single ability level of a subject. It calculates each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements in that ability level.
Percentage of assessed: This looks at all assessments made for the pupil in the current academic year across all ability levels in a subject. It gives each pupil's attainment as a percentage of all of the statements that they have had assessment judgements recorded in.
The calculations take into account the colour of the assessment judgement using the weightings shown in the table below:
Tile | Weighting |
U | 0 |
T | 0.02 |
A | 0.5 |
M | 0.9 |
E | 1 |
Example markbook calculations
NB Overall percentage calculated here is on the basis that these are all of the objectives in Y1. Percentage of assessed calculated hers is on the basis that all of these assessments were recorded in this academic year and no other assessments were recorded in this subject in the current academic year.