The group matrix is a powerful and flexible report that allows you to compare two measures. This could be the same subject on two different dates to view progress, comparing attainment in two different subjects or comparing two different measures in the same subject such as a test and a markbook score.  Users set the parameters for the categories for each measure for easy comparisons.

To Load up a group matrix:

  • % of Assessed/Overall %: The report can be loaded up using either type of markbook data.  This does not effect any Imported Data.

  • Class/Year Group: Select either a class group or a year group to view information for

  • Pupil filters: Pupils can be filtered down based on Gender, Pupil Premium, EAL and SEND.  Multiple filters can be selected.

  • For an External Data Selection:

    • Curriculum/External Data Import: Select Imported Data. This will allow for External Data to be loaded in the matrix.

    • Score Import: The import file or point in time judgement that you wish to view.

    • Column: This will be the relevant information from the import that you want to look at.  Judgements or imports that only have on set of information will only have one option to select from.

  • For a Markbook Data Selection:

    • Curriculum/External Data Import: Select the curriculum that you wish to view the Markbook Data for.

    • Subject: Select the subject you wish to look at from the curriculum you have select

    • Report Date: The month of the markbook data you wish to look at.

    • Show Settings: Set what counts as Sig. Below, Below, At, Above and Sig. Above based on the data you are looking at.  Guidance for markbook data can be found here: Attainment Settings

  • Load Report

The report will generate with an overlay applied.  The green segments indicate pupils Working Above, the white segments the pupils working At and the orange section the pupils Working Below.  The percentages of the pupils in each category can be seen in the overlay summary below the table. 

Clicking on 'hide overlay' will change the view of the matrix.


 Clicking on a cell or cells identifies the names of the pupils in that cell or cells so that you can use the data to inform practice.  In the example above we can see that in September 2019, 3 pupils were below, but in November 2019, they are now AT.